Online Presence Management

Manage your online presence at the click of a button



For some years now, small and medium-sized companies have seen a growing demand for tools that can easily create, track and analyze conversations in the online world . The focus is often on discussions about your own brand or trend topics. At the same time, established marketing instruments such as promotions, premium products, competitions, test samples or discounts are digitized and brought to customers via the new channels.


The various online presence management solutions from Binarypark enable regional SMEs, companies, associations, shopping centers, public bodies and even individuals to take their share of digital attention, which is more important today than ever.


"Lausitz heute" powered by Regi-ON©

Entry into the world of digital communication for SMEs, associations and influencers in Lusatia (Germany).


We are concerned about the growing influence of corporations, both offline and online. To counter this repression, "Lausitz Heute" gives those who have not been able to participate a tool tailored to their needs - and thus a voice.

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Online platform for shopping malls - communication across all major digital channels, customer loyalty programs, gamification and more.


SmartCenter ensures that operators of shopping malls and their tenants are ready for the challenges of tough competition with online providers. Don't let yourself down - get started with SmartCenter.

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Ideal for SMEs, startups and clubs. For beginners, career switchers and creative people.


Even if your company is not active in an area supported by Regi-ON©, AAYO gives you the opportunity to use all the advantages of the platform regardless of our regional apps. Just as simple - just as effective.

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